Is There A Best Stretch For Hamstrings?

What’s the best stretch for hamstrings? Well, quite simply, there isn’t one. You’re probably wondering how that can be, but before we get to that, let’s take a look at the question itself. If you’re familiar with the work of Dr John Demartini, you’ll know that as well as being a real inspiration and pleasure to listen to and

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Rotator Cuff Strengthening: The Wrong Solution To The Wrong Question

Looking for rotator cuff strengthening exercises is the wrong solution to the wrong question, for two primary reasons:The rotator cuff group of muscles are stabilising muscles.As stabilisers, their role is exactly that: to stabilise the shoulder. As the prime movers move the shoulder, the rotator cuff stabilise the movement.Therefore, their role is about endurance and stabilisation, not strengthIsolating individual

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