These exercises for shoulder pain are designed to impact your symptoms so that you can experience the direct correlation between your (mis)alignment and the symptoms that you’re experiencing.
Please do keep in mind that whilst you should feel the difference after doing these exercises for shoulder pain, they alone won’t fix the problem. To fix the problem long term, you will need to do a full program of exercises over a period of time.
A full program done consistently over a period of time will address the imbalances in your muscular and nervous systems that are currently present in your body (and which are the root cause of your pain).
So What Is Pain?
Pain is your body’s way of telling you “something is wrong” and is asking for action to make it better.
Common complaints for the shoulder include:
- Rotator Cuff Problems
- Frozen Shoulder
- Arthritis
- Limited Range of Motion Without Pain
- Muscle Strains In & Around The Shoulder
- Limited Ability To Lift Arms
- Noticeable Swelling
- Stiffness
- Difficulty Sleeping On Affected Side
The Egoscue Method, in its 30 years of experience, believes that it’s the misalignment of your load bearing joints – your shoulders, hips, knees & ankles – that’s the cause of your shoulder pain.
The first step in correcting the problem is to do these 2 exercises for shoulder pain.
Exercises courtesy of The Egoscue Method™
Exercise 1: Standing Gluteal Contractions
How To Perform This Exercise:
- Standing with your feet pointed straight ahead, begin squeezing and releasing your buttocks muscles together
- Do NOT contract your stomach muscles or your thigh muscles
- If it seems too difficult, point your feet outward 45-degrees for a set of twenty and then straighten your feet up again for the next two sets
- Relax your upper body, your stomach and your thighs
- Placing your hands on your buttocks muscles will allow you to feel the contraction
Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions
Exercise 2: Sitting Knee Pillow Squeezes
How To Perform This Exercise:
- Sit in a chair with a pillow between your knees and your pelvis rolled forward to place an arch in your lower back
- Keep your feet pointed straight ahead and your upper body relaxed
- Squeeze and release the pillow between your knees and remember to keep the arch in your low back
- Remember to keep your feet pointed straight ahead
Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions
The Results:
- What changes do you feel?
- What else do you notice?
Remember to repeat the weight distribution test to see how the exercises have impacted it.
What Now?
If you have any questions, use the form below to drop me a line and I’ll get back to you with some help:
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