T6 – Ankle Pain and Numbness

Dear Matt,

Since I will not see you until September I thought you might like some feedback.

I did my exercises every morning: Thursday soon after my morning run, Friday before leaving early for the Isle of Wight, Saturday after a long run (16k) and this morning after getting up.

My left foot is definitely getting better. The prickling sensation of pins and needles is almost fully gone (meaning I only felt it for a few minutes on Friday evening, but that was a long day, ending with a 1½  hour additional standing train journey due to a fatality…).

The pain on the arch of my foot has gone, and I did not take it easy with my runs, so it is not due to rest.

Yesterday, after the long run and my exercises I felt absolutely great. This morning I woke up with a medium discomfort on the lower calf of the RIGHT foot, around the Achilles tendon.

For the first time the right foot seems to have taken a toll somehow, but after I did the exercises it literally turned into an almost imperceptible discomfort, like tired muscles due to the hard training.

It seems that the balancing effect of the exercises has a positive effect on BOTH sides and I take the discomfort on the right leg as a positive sign. Probably my left hip and leg are starting already to work more.

Regarding the exercises, Foot Circles are becoming much better coordinated. I am still not happy about the Shoulder Rolls; it still seems hard to be equal and well coordinated on both sides, but altogether I am getting better at all of them and I surprise myself feeling straighter and better balanced.

This is it for now, from a very happy me!

All the best,

Simonetta Taccuso
Brand Manager

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