T4 – Hip and Shoulder Pain

After years of suffering acute hip & shoulder pain, being unable to walk upstairs comfortably, not being able to fully participate at the gym, and trying more conventional methods of treatment which hadn’t “fixed” the problem, I felt resolved to live with my pain.

I thought my last option was surgery until I noticed Matt’s advert in my gym. I thought “this must be worth a try, I’ve nothing to lose.”

I have now visited Matt on four occasions over two months and by following an exercise programme (updated after each visit) this treatment has made a huge difference to my health & general wellbeing.

My hip & shoulder feel so much better, it’s absolutely amazing! I feel so ecstatic that walking upstairs is actually a pleasure!

Even when mid-way through my visits my lower back began to hurt, I knew that Matt would help me resolve the problem. Within one visit, Matt had helped correct my exercise technique and by the end of the session my back no longer gave any pain. Fantastic!

If you suffer with any form of muscular or joint pain, I plead with you to give this a try – it really does work.

Thanks so much Matt for helping me to begin living a pain free existence!

Julie Wilkins
Company Secretary

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